When my wife and I came here from the Philippines to join the retreat, we thought our relationship is OK. We may have some misunderstandings but we manage to solve it. But the retreat changed that, we now understand why we have these misunderstandings and learn how to build our relationship based on accepting and loving one another in the light of the Gospel values and in the spirit of dialogue and communications.
We have learned to appreciate reading the Bible and relate our thoughts and actions based on it and building a personal relationship with Jesus through our prayer life. We now have a deeper appreciation of the beauty of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, and learned from the shared experiences of our moderator, animators and other couples.
And on a personal note, from the generosity of other couples, we have seen and appreciated the richness of the history and the beauty of Poland and its people.
We pray now that as we journey forward in our married life with a renewed sense of commitment, we may able to bring other couples in our diocese in the Philippines to the same journey and experience.
We thank our fellow couple-participants, our translators, our animators, our Moderator, the Light-Life Movement and most of all we thank God for this opportunity to be here. God bless.