Fr. Greg

Fr. Greg

OASIS Retreat in the Light Life Movement has given us a New Springtime in our Priestly Ministry

After the first level of OASIS Retreat of the Philippine group (Me, Mary Grace, Leslie, Jori and GM) we continued our monthly meetings reflecting on the 10 guide posts. We enriched ourselves with the new insights on the bible text that we had reflected. We always discover and share new insights and new inspiration. Our regular meetings and prayers enable us to become more united and committed to the task of evangelization of our people.

After our second level retrea t together with the new first level (Fr. Ivan, Fr. Chu, Fr. Chris, Fr. Hendrix) and second Level (Fr. Badong, Fr. Alwen, Fr. Onie, Fr. Romel) we continue our monthly meetings in different 4 Dioceses in the island of Negros. We continue our study or reflection on the 10 guide post or reflection n bible text and community prayer. The flow of our meetings 5:00 pm Arrival/ Snacks, 6:00 pm Holy Hour or Mass with the community, 7:00 pm Dinner with the parish priest, 8:00 pm Tent of Meeting (2hours),10:00 pm Other matters/ Business Meeting. 11:00Pm Lights Off. On the next day 6:30 am Eucharistic mass with Bishop or Vicar General followed by at 7:30 am Breakfast with Bishop or Vicar General. This activity enables us to become more cohesive, united and deepen our commitment to serve the people.

In our individual experiences we bring or carry or introduced the spirit of the Light Life Movement to the various groups in our parishes. For instance, during meetings of different mandated organizations (Family Encounter, Marriage Encounter, Marriage Enrichment, Days with the Lord Retreat for Young Professionals or YUPPIES and Youth, Children Catechesis, Seminars we integrate the practice of the Light Life movement. We light a candle at the center of the group(Light of Christ), each one opens the bible for reading and reflection and we end with Holy Rosary community prayer. In my parish we give out copies of Bible Almost 350 copies to families, BEC Leaders, Young Professionals (YUPPIES), Youth and members of the various community in order for them to get familiarized and accustomed to read and love the word of God. It is the Light Life Movement that has inspired us to use the Bible as very important in every meetings.

We also Advocate the Crusade of Liberation or campaign to anything that enslaves us or against every human person. I campaign the evil effects of using illegal drugs, gambling, liquors, cigarettes among the youth, yuppies and especially to the parents and I’m happy to see the positive result on this campaign to some people and effects of diminishes in the society.

We are so grateful to the Light Life Movement and OASIS Retreat that helps widen the horizon of our pastoral ministry in serving the people. It has also enriched and strengthen our spiritual life it makes us much closer to our fellow workers, priests and to God.

We are so grateful to Bishop Adam who recruited me/ us to join in the movement. To the moderator, to all our spiritual directors during our retreat the lay people and all facilitators for their service and inspiration.

We are looking forward to more enlightenment on the third level of the Family Oasis Retreat.


From: Light Life Movement Negros, Philippines

Fr. Gregorio Patino